Josh and I have always agreed that we wouldn't buy Disneyland annual passes. We wanted visits to Disney to be special events, like Christmas. And they were. But they were also SO EXPENSIVE. And SO MUCH PRESSURE to see and do everything. The day would start too early and eveyone would be tired and cranky at the end, but we couldn't leave because we spent $500 on this one day and we're squeezing every last drop of "fun" out of it, goddammit.
So one Thursday morning we said, "fuck it" and bought the passes. The next day, Josh & I picked Dash up after school and just started driving. We didn't tell him where we were going (he guessed eventually). We got there at 5pm, rode a few rides, ate some corn dogs and ice cream and then went home. It was awesome and amazing and no one cried and we're going back next month and then again and again and again whenever we want.