Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter 2008 (or Dash's First Haircut )

Oh, Spring. We love you and your bunnies and tulips and sunshine so very much. Thank you for being you.

We don't normally celebrate Easter, but this year we were invited to Mooma's house (that's Aunty's mom and Masie, Hayden & Mackenna's grandma). We made Easter baskets for the girls that contained an obscene amount of candy. I just thanked God I didn't have to be in the car with them after eating that much sugar.

Dash's Angels.

Dash had a poopy diaper earlier, which Mason helped to change.

Me: Masie, you can't change Dash's diaper because then you won't want to marry him when you grow up.
Mason: That's ok. I'll still marry him.

First Easter egg hunt (um, Dad? My hair is getting a little out of control, yes?)


There's candy in there?!?!

WTF, yo? Where's the candy?

Hey, Dad? Remember when I mentioned that thing about my hair? I wasn't kidding.

Aunty Melissa cuts hair?! Nice!

Hello, ladies. How you like me now?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring! Spring! Spring!

This morning the birds were chirping so loudly, so lustily and with such elan that it was almost too much. What a glorious welcome to Spring!

Speaking of Spring, here are some Spring-related tidbits that I will very tenuously connect because clearly I can't get it together to make a normal blog post like a real blogger, but I don't want to forget so, well:

I made some St. Paddy's cupcakes with cute little flags to welcome our new neighbors. They weren't home when we dropped them off, so I left them with a note. There's been no acknowledgment at all from their side of the street, so maybe they didn't like them (or, um, me). We, however, ate the second dozen I made for us in, like, 20 minutes. So screw them, at least we had an excuse to eat yummy green cupcakes.

Dash pulled the picks out of each and every one of our batch, licked the frosting off, then reinserted them. They all looked about like this when he was done. We ate them anyway.


So, you know, we're not really great Jews. We don't belong to a Temple. We don't really celebrate any holidays except Hanukkah and Passover, and really, all we do for those two are eat delicious brisket and recite prayers that we only sort-of understand. But still, we're at the very least ethnically Jewish and we try to acknowledge it as much as we can.

Each year we're invited for Seder, or Passover dinner, at the home of some of Josh's relatives. They have a beautiful home and their Passover is always beyond lovely. It's also a great excuse for us to spend time with our close and extended families and show off the kid. I usually bring wine or flowers to the hostess, but a few weeks ago, while shopping for a colander, I spotted some Passover-themed cookie cutters I couldn't resist. I had big plans to make a few dozen perfectly-decorated cookies to bring to dinner this year.

The Jews among you have already spotted the flaw in my logic, yes? For the goyim among you: the main thing about Passover is NO GRAIN. And cookies? They're made from FLOUR. Which is, you know, GRAIN. Awesome. So, ok, I'm definitely not that smart for buying them. But who in the hell decided to produce them in the first place? Maybe I'll bring them to Easter dinner with Aunty's family. Gotta represent. Even if my grasp on what I'm representing is weak at best.


And finally: Look I painted these for Dash for Christmas (see? bad Jews) and only just got around to photographing them yesterday. I can't really paint, and Dash isn't really interested in them, but I'm proud enough that I came up with a plan and executed it. Sometimes it's the small victories we have to count.

There's a teensy leetle white mouse after the penguin but someone absconded with it (seeing as how it's an irresistible choking hazard and all).

Monday, March 10, 2008

Important to Know

I haven't had any real time to write entire blog posts about our recent doings, but I want to make notes so that I don't forget how awesome these last few days have been.


We were at Target on Sunday (honestly, it would be faster to note when we're not at Target) and Dash was walking along in front of our cart (he will not ride in the cart unless there has been major discussion in advance--which there wasn't this time--"Dashy, when we go to the store you're going to have to ride in the cart, ok?" "No Dashy ride!" "Unless you ride we can't go to the store and you'll have to stay home. Would you rather ride or stay home?" "Dashy ride!" Repeat 10,000 times.) pointing out all of the wonder and glory when we approached the bra section. Dash knew instantly what they were and made sure to educate us all: [pointing to a brown bra] "Brown boobies." [pointing to a pink bra] "Pink boobies." And so on and so forth. This was obviously the funniest thing we'd ever seen, but also: when did he learn his colors? Literally two days ago everything, and I mean everything, was blooooooooooooo. Green? Blooooo. Red? Blooooooo. But bra colors he gets. Ok, father's son I guess.


Yesterday was the first day of Daylight Saving Time and we took advantage of the extra daylight to have our first family bbq of 2008. Filet Mignon ($10 for TWO at Trader Joes, yo) sweet corn on the cob, and garlic-rubbed ciabatta went on the grill to make the most delicious dinner we've had in eons. And Dash ate 1/3 of my steak! It's the first red meat I've gotten him to eat. Glad to know he has good taste.


Wouldn't it be nice to have someone cut up fresh, organically-grown strawberries for you for breakfast on a Tuesday? Dash doesn't know how lucky he is.


I bought this bamboo junk drawer organizer because I'd become obsessed with the idea of assembling a bunch of beautiful natural objects and having Dash lovingly sort them into different cubbies. I thought he could learn about colors and textures and nature all at once. Do I even need to say how this went over? Not only does he not care about this assemblage one iota, it's like it doesn't even exist. He doesn't even see it except when he needs me to move it so he'll have more room for Legos. But isn't it lovely? Maybe it'll grow on him.


I bought Dash this little table and chairs set from Ikea for, like, $20.

It's sturdy and the perfect size, and when Dash got his play kitchen it served perfectly to house his little oven and coffeemaker. Only problem was that after we put it in our kitchen, he'd want to eat there and eventually the unfinished wood became grubby and covered in grease stains that no amount of scrubbing would get off. So I painted it.

And then I Mod Podged these little apple and tomato designs I cut out of gingham scrapbook paper. I love them very much.


And finally, we bought Free to Be ... You and Me and it is the single greatest cd ever created including anything by Radiohead and Tom Waits that's how serious I am. It is the most hopeful, loving endeavor for children I can imagine and just reading the liner notes makes me weepy. There is nothing cynical. There are no action figure tie-ins. It's just about teaching children to respect themselves and each other. Also, Mel Brooks is a baby in one skit that begins, "Hi. I'm a baby." And in another Carol Channing teaches us that nobody smiles while doing housework and that's how we know that commercials aren't real life. And, if Rosie Grier says It's Alright to Cry, then probably it's alright to cry.


Toddler's Delight

Monday, March 03, 2008


Happy birthday to:

Jessica Biel

Tone Lōc

Ira Glass


We love you, Daddy.