7:12pm-7:23pm: Rub Nana (blanket) on butt and try to get Mommy to sniff it (again, fruitlessly).
7:23pm-7:46pm: Try to stand up while Mommy grabs your ankles and pulls you down.
7:46pm-7:48pm: Fart, laugh.
7:48pm-7:50pm: Underwear on head

7:50pm-8pm: Jammies
8pm-8:30pm: Story
8:30pm: Bed, part I
8:31pm: "Mommy! I'm thirsty!"
8:35pm: "Mommy! I have to pee!"
8:44pm: "Mommy! I have to poo poo!"
8:49pm: "I'm duh-un!"
8:50: Bed, part II
Spot on! I'd say this is currently #1 on the "Things to Show Dash's Prom Date" list.
I just found out recently that the twins I'm carrying are boys. And it's posts like this that concurrently strike both terror and thrill into my heart. I mean, I realize that girls may want to rub butts, too, but it's just such a classically "boy" thing to laugh at farts. I cannot wait to see what these boys of mine will bring.
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