Dash is on Fall break this week, so when our beloved friends the Stein-Greenes invited us to join them for a little camping, it was, to quote my husband, "on like a popular '80s era platforming arcade game."
Our campsite was called Sheep Creek. How many "up Sheep Creek" jokes do you think I was able to make in the space of two days? One billion. That's how many.
We got to camp in the late afternoon. Just in time to drink some wine and make some dinner (don't you stick your tongue out at me, Fire Face!)
Josh set up the tent right quick without any interference (some may call it assistance) from me.
And Dash & Roman started playing poker. (Kidding, it was Pai Gow.)
Josh & Jordan tried to look hard.
But then the kissing started in earnest.
And went on well into the night.
And here is Dash on his first night sleeping out of doors in the wilderness. Separated from bears & chipmunks & lions (right? lions live in the forest, yes?) and whatnot by only a thin sheet of nylon and his mother's terrifying snores.
In the morning we breakfasted on Nutella & bananas on whole wheat & French press coffee. Because we were camping, but we're not wild animals, yo.
Then it was time for fishing. Here are the boys' matching Transformers rods. Because obviously such a thing would exist.
Liz: Honey, make a fisherman face.
Josh: How's this?
Liz: Um. Sure.
Fucking cuties, Jiminy Christmas.
More cuties.
And then it was time to get down to fishing! Look at that casting technique!
Beauty shot.
That's my sad claw hand trying to figure out how to hold a rod. I gave up after a while & spent the rest of the afternoon trudging around the forest, drinking box wine from a plastic tumbler & collecting acorn caps.
You know, like you do.
At one point I looked up & saw this.
And then I said a silent prayer of gratitude that Michele Bachmann wasn't around in 1909, because I'm pretty sure this would all be a Wal-Mart by now if she had.
We didn't catch any fish, but I think Dash may have enjoyed himself anyway.
And then it was back to camp for more tender times between Jordan & Josh.
And ghost stories around the fire.
[not pictured: me almost getting into a fist-fight with a fellow camper about his disinclination to control his dogs. I may be having some anger issues that I'll need to address sooner rather than later]
Anyway, it was an amazing, beautiful trip & we're so, so grateful that the Stein-Greenes invited us to join them. Thank you, wonderful friends.
Also! Killed three items off my Life List:
- Camping
- Fishing--hey, I said 'go fishing,' I didn't say 'catch a fish'
- Cure Fear of Heights--this one is a toughie. I'm definitely not cured, but the ride up & back was pretty hairy & I didn't freak. I think I'm finally at the place where I won't allow my phobia to prevent me from doing and seeing amazing things. So I'm calling it.