Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Baskets

We hosted Easter dinner (well, Easter eve, since we did it on Saturday, but we did the full ham/egg hunt/gorge on chocolate thing, so I'm calling it Easter) for our O.G. Posse this weekend. And because now there are CHILDREN! TO MAKE SHIT FOR! BECAUSE CHILDREN ARE MY FAVORITE! I made some Easter baskets. Wanna look?

Here is Miss Viola June's basket. Viola is two years old & wears skinny jeans & gold shoes. She is my soulmate. I made the bunny & dress (sans buttons because Viola is smart but she still can't be trusted around choking hazards) from Jenny at Allsorts' patterns.


Bunny butt!

I made this badge out of wool felt after seeing something similar in Mollie Makes magazine. 

This is Oliver Gray's basket. Oliver is five months old and he got a boy-bunny & a bib that is way too small--boo. I Am a Bunny is still one of our most beloved books from when Dash was a baby. If I could eat the illustrations I would. 

I didn't get a picture of Dash's haul all laid out, but try to contain your shock when I tell you it was excessive.

Since our family mascot is a jackalope (I just read that out loud & now I can't stop laughing because a: we have a family mascot & b: it's a mythical, antlered bunny), I altered the pattern slightly to add some horns.

We actually had two more smalls come spend the evening with us--Dash's sweet cousins Kyler & Jesse--and they got baskets featuring Liz-made bunnies, as well, but I didn't get a chance to photograph them. I know you're probably devastated.

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