Monday, July 07, 2014

Jet Hawks

We've all been itching to get to a baseball game this Summer, but we just haven't had the time or the energy recently to plan a big trip down to Anaheim to see our Angels (soon, Mike Trout! We'll see you soon!).

Anyway, we knew that we had a Minor League team relatively close by, so Josh bought us some tickets ($12 each for 3rd row, behind home plate) and we headed to Lancaster to check out the Jet Hawks.

Right this moment--as I was about to explain that I didn't understand why they called their stadium the Hangar--is when it occurred to me that it's called the Hangar because they are JET Hawks. And Jets are housed in Hangars. I am sharp as a flippin' tack, I am.

Before the game some girls from the local dance school came out & performed. It was pretty perfect.

Watching the team warm up on the field was the closest I got to photographing any actual game play.

But I did get a picture of my new shoes! They are tres jolie laide, but I love them almost as much as I love Dash.

This is the team's mascot. His name is Ka Boom.

They had a pitching thing where they would measure how fast your pitch is.

Well, yeah they got Jet Hawks hats. Duh.


After the game they let the kids run the bases.

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