Sunday, September 30, 2007

25 Days, 19

Kidspace Children's Museum with his Aunty and three little mamas. Awesome.

Aunty + french fry = life is perfect

Dash's main little mama, Hayden



Every few minutes water would pour out, washing away their work. I think the lesson is that sometimes life is futile.

The girls made cards for kids in the hospital. I hope Hayden's card goes to someone not very ill and with a sense of humor.

Mason made a portrait of Aunty's recently deceased cat, Sydney.

I think Hallmark should make this card. I would buy them in bulk and tack them all over the house.
(by Mackenna)

Dash: "OK, Daddy, let go."

just resting

child labor

Make. It. Go.

Daddy saves the day

every perfect day ends with ice cream and a cuddle from Mason


InTheFastLane said...

We love Kidspace! We go there almost every time we are back in California. Jack Jack could have stayed at the painting waterfall all day.

Everydaytreats said...

Hello? Dash is not little anymore. :)