I've recently become enamored with the expression, "totes" when I mean to say "totally." I realize it's unbecoming for a woman my age to talk like a character from
Juno, but in my mind I'm still 25 and awesome.
But today we're talking about a different type of totes (can you tell I'm a little tired and not completely in my right mind?)
When Dash's Little Mamas paid their
most recent visit, they all did a bit of painting. I was so in love with everything they made that I demanded they leave their work behind for me to display. So they did. And I do. But I started to feel a little guilty. I know that Mackenna in particular was really happy with her painting and even asked that we take a photograph so she could show her parents.
But we all know I wasn't about to part with the goods. So I did the next best thing. I made tote bags.
I scanned the pictures & added the girls' names in Photoshop.
Then I printed them onto transfer paper & ironed them onto some canvas totes from the craft store.
The colors are not as vibrant as in the originals, but they're not quite as washed out as they look in these pictures.
I sent them off yesterday with Valentine's cards from Dash tied to the handles with red ribbon. I hope the girls think of Dash pining away for them every time they use them.
Are you kidding me with this? Those are so awesome. Where do you find the time and energy.
And I also believe I am and always will be 25 and totally awesome.
"in my mind I am 25 and awesome."
I am in blog love with you. I TOO am totally cool in my head. I am just the only one who knows it!
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