We finally got our act together and drove up to Mountain High for some tubing and watching our little SoCal kid freak out about the snow. It was AWESOME.
I am deathly afraid of mountain driving. So much that now Josh has a complex about it, too. Although we were assured that the drive up would be free of any cliffy roads, we were both a little anxious.
Dash was pretty relaxed about it, though.
First snow sighting from the car. Getting to the mountain is a little surreal--you're in the desert, surrounded by Joshua Trees and old rickety buildings called, "Dezert Trading Outpost" and you glance over to your right and there's a beautiful mountain covered in snow. California is weird.
How awesome is it that that lady behind us is smiling?
Dash gets to do a lot of pretty cool stuff, but I have never seen him as giddy as when we were waiting our turn to tube down the hill.
I don't have a lot of picture of his grumpy ass smiling, so indulge me:
Davey was pretty pumped, too.
Here they come:
It really was an amazing day. The little town of Wrightwood that is home to the mountain is adorable and we're seriously thinking about getting a cabin for a couple of days next winter so we can explore our relationship with the snow further.
SOOOO cute!!! I want a the pic of the three of you. You are the cutest family ever.
SOOOO cute!!! I want a the pic of the three of you. You are the cutest family ever.
SOOOO cute!!! I want a the pic of the three of you. You are the cutest family ever.
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