Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer Last Hurrah

We hit up San Diego (why don't we just marry it if we love it so much?) yet again for our last "fercation," as Dash calls it, of the Summer. Ostensibly we were there to watch Josh dominate in his second full triathlon, but since Dash & I aren't above co-opting all of Josh's endeavors for our own amusement, we made it mostly about us.

Oceanside, August 2010
We got there in the afternoon on Friday & headed over to the Oceanside Harbor. The harbor was a bust (super picturesque from afar, but kind of a dump up close), but the beach was nearby & the sand was glittery & there was a rock jetty to climb, so we made our own fun.

Oceanside, August 2010
And, why yes, he is wearing his Thor costume again. Because he is awesome.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sensible chap! I would totally dress as Thor all the time too.
I've 8 question tagged you over here if you're feeling share-y