I was going to say that we took our annual walk to check out the neighborhood crazies. But then I remembered what my own damn house looks like, so I will revise. We took our annual walk to check out the neighborhood festivity. Because it's festive. Not crazy in the least.
Except maybe this. This is pretty fucking crazy:
Except maybe this. This is pretty fucking crazy:

My favorite part of the evening was trying to explain that particular piece of nuts to Dash.


That tree is just sitting right in the middle of the cul-de-sac! That is a serious commitment to Christmas.

North Pole, here we come. Santa, hide the Legos.

I dunno, I'm not buying it. If the Smurfs are Jewish how come they don't have any doctors or lawyers?

Every year Josh & I marvel that no one has burned this dude's house down yet. He is the only one on the entire street of crazy (yeah, I said it. it's crazy crazy crazy) who doesn't hang a single light. You almost have to admire his backbone. Except you just know he's the neighborhood asshole.
funny stuff... I think part of Jenukkah should be walking around the neighborhood...I need to see this in person. The Smurfs are killing me.
Seriously, you are so funny. I laugh every time I read your blog...one of my recent favorites is "Shit I Made" You make my day as I sit at my daily desk job. You're awesome.
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